Experimental art
Interactive art, augmented reality and much more
I called this page Experimental Art, because I intend to present a series of interactive artworks and works (and not only ...), which do not completely fit into the site's schemes and which have been designed and developed with open source computer systems. Mostly they are based on Three.js, ARnft and AR.js and other software for augmented reality and generative art. [ARnft] (https://github.com/webarkit/ARnft) was the result of an elaboration of past experiences on Jsartoolkit5 and AR.js, and is proposed as a lean and light framework for prototyping small WebAR applications with NFT markers. I started developing it when we founded the new github organization [WebAR Kit] (https://github.com/webarkit) with which we intend to develop a framework and a series of useful tools for Augmented Reality. You can get more information on our official website [www.webarkit.org] (https://www.webarkit.org). This page is constantly changing and evolving, new contents will be added as they are developed, in the meantime ... enjoy your visit!